About me.

I am a self taught value investor from Viet Nam. I read many books and articles about value investing. Some of the books that I found most helpful are the old classic “The Intelligent Investor” of Benjamin Graham, out of print “Margin of safety” from Seth Klarman and recent classic "The most important things" written by Howard Marks. The other books and articles of Joel Greenblatt, Walter Schloss and Michael Burry also grab me. Last but not least, I love reading letters of genius Warren Buffett, especially his Partnerships shareholder letters (1956 - 1969).

Currently I follow 3 main approaches when come to value investing.
The first approach is NetNet, which is created by the father of value investing Ben Graham, then is continued practiced by the legendary Walter Schloss and 1960s Warren Buffett. This approach focuses on buy cheap asset instead of buy cheap growth. I especially pay attention to stocks that trade below Net Net Working Capital and have some catalysts to unlock the value.

My second approach is what I call GoodGood. This term stands for “Buying Good company at Good price”. I am deeply influenced by Joel Greenblatt when executing this investment strategy. I try to find companies with high ROIC, positive OCF, stable and predictable business, possessing wide moat and having moderate potential growth. Then I will wait and buy those stocks when their prices become reasonable.

The last approach I am following is Special Situation. This is also called event-driven approach. These are events like merger&acquisition, liquidation or partial liquidation, spin-off, split off, bankruptcy, etc which create a situation where securities can be bought at cheap price and they also have some catalyst to unlock their value in short time frame.

With nickname SonTung, I contributed many articles about value investing to Vfpress.vn website. In my opinion, writing and sharing with community are great ways to energize learning process. Additionally, I have found and have been operating a value investment club. In our club, we focus on sharing and discussing about particular value investment ideas in Vietnamese stock market.

Personally, I am a honest, patient, curiosity and risk averse man.


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